Wednesday, August 04, 2004

earth to rish...

i've been slacking off on this, and people are starting to notice, bad. unless, we can all consider a song i posted earlier a valid post...can't we? :P

my mind's a total mess these days,... er at least when it comes to blogging. i cannot complete any of the drafts i started. hmmmm, i hope it's not the blogging spirit starting to wane on me. :(

ok, just so to make it a little easier, i'll share what i have been doing these past few [not quite, i know] days. aside from work, let's see...

- [a good way to start hehehe...] i've been studying for exams... or should i say cramming, old habits die hard. one is nihonggo and the other one, well, i refuse to tell. i'll just blog about it [maybe] when i pass. :P

- watched two movies. itsybitsy spidey with bin and shrek 2 with bin and 9 other ogre-adoring people:) spidey 2 was ok to me. now, i'm convinced that only tobey can give justice to this webby character. i just can't imagine any of the actors i know who can play a loser and a hero at the same time. :) bin and i liked this better than the first. probably this has a lot to do with the villain[not-so] doc ock [btw, side-kwento, i have heard of antimatter twice in a week, from this and a book by brown, timing!], as for kirsten we find her more stunning before... in bring it on hehe. shrek 2? we just love love love it!

- i have also been to a friend's bday party... she turned 28 [i think i'd better stop right there :) ]

- i've also been trying to read three books at the same time... emphasis on trying:p ... catcher in the rye, which i love but cant seem to finish :( the first of the shopaholic series [well, i'm proud i'm still miles away when compared to becky's spending habits!] and angels and demons that keeps me awake til 2 am!

- went to the dentist for a root-canal... another activity my lazy-self managed to put off for 2 months, yaiks! urgh, dental care in japan doesn't come cheap! i paid 5k+ yen for my first visit for this one [expletive] tooth [w/ houken pa yan ha!] and i still need to go back at least 3 times pa. :O partly it's my fault that i'm spending this HUGE [it's huge to me considering my current financial situation hehe], the root canal procedure was started last may pa but they have to start again because i didn't set an appointment at least a month earlier than last sat. tsktsktsk... [good thing, ma can't read this:P] but still, ndi makatarungan ang singil! i wonder if they have DTI here? :P

- went to torihama with bin for a little dose of shopping then took a side trip to sea paradise. there i celebrated three years of partnership and continued service to the filipino people with bin :)

so there, plus probably some more shopping, dinner out with bin and friends, bumming around in higashi, losing nisenyen in pusoy dos ... all that and planning my life in between. :)


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